Freelance journalist with articles regularly appearing in WIRED, Euractiv, Politico, Quartz, Vice, New Statesman’s City Monitor, openDemocracy, The European Journalism Observatory, The Copenhagen Post.
ICE's $2 Million Contract With a Spyware Vendor Is Under White House Review
A $2 million contract that United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement signed with Israeli commercial spyware vendor Paragon Solutions has been paused and placed under compliance review, WIRED has learned.
ICE Signs $2 Million Contract With Spyware Maker Paragon Solutions
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has signed a $2 million contract with Israeli commercial spyware vendor Paragon Solutions, according to documents reviewed by WIRED.
The one-year contract between the company’s US subsidiary in Chantilly, Virginia, and ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations Division 3 was signed on September 27 and covers a “fully configured proprietary solution including license, hardware, warranty, maintenance and training.”
Spyware firm behind new surveillance of journalists, civil society operates from the EU
Paragon Solutions, an Israeli commercial spyware vendor linked to the surveillance of European journalists and civil society members has set up shop in the EU’s most powerful country: Germany.
Notorious Spyware Maker NSO Group Is Quietly Plotting a Comeback
On New Year’s Eve, NSO Group—the Israel-based company behind the Pegasus spyware, one of the world’s most sophisticated cyberweapons—quietly released a new transparency report.
The 27-page document is carefully worded—even apologetic—and is intended to demonstrate resilience, progress, and responsibility to further strengthen the company’s human rights compliance program. It claims the company has “opened 19 investigations into allegations of potential product mis...
A Controversial Plan to Scan Private Messages for Child Abuse Meets Fresh Scandal
Danny Mekić, an Amsterdam-based PhD researcher, was studying a proposed European law meant to combat child sexual abuse when he came across a rather odd discovery. All of a sudden, he started seeing ads on X, formerly Twitter, that featured young girls and sinister-looking men against a dark background, set to an eerie soundtrack.
Soccer Fans, You’re Being Watched
This fall, more than 15,000 cameras will monitor soccer fans across eight stadiums and on the streets of Doha during the 2022 World Cup, an event expected to attract more than 1 million football fans from around the globe.
“What you see here is the future of stadium operations,” the organizers’ chief technology officer, Niyas Abdulrahiman, proudly told AFP in August. “A new standard, a new trend in venue operations, this is our contribution from Qatar ...
Interview: Apple News Today
Wired reports on how Qatar will be using an unprecedented level of surveillance at the World Cup.
Interview on German TV ARD
Ein Mord, ein Abhörskandal, Klagen gegen missliebige Berichterstattung: Griechenland belegt auf der Rangliste der Pressefreiheit den niedrigsten Platz aller EU-Staaten. Wie griechische Journalisten damit leben - und arbeiten.
Die Witwe Statha Karaivaz geht fast nie an den Ort, an dem ihr Mann erschossen wurde. Es schaudert sie bis heute. Jetzt steht hier eine Gedenktafel aus schwarzem Stein. Es war Freitagnachmittag, der 9. April 2021, als eine Nachbarin anrief: Im Viertel gebe es eine Schieß...
O διευθυντής του Citizen Lab μιλάει αποκλειστικά στο inside story για τις παρακολουθήσεις
Σε μία αποκλειστική για την Ελλάδα συνέντευξη, ο Ρον Ντίμπερτ, διευθυντής και συνιδρυτής του Citizen Lab του Τορόντο –που βεβαίωσε ότι το κινητό του Θανάση Κουκάκη είχε μολυνθεί με το Predator– μιλά εφ' όλης της ύλης.
Encrypted app Session’s exit amid police pressure proves Australia at risk of becoming ‘tech backwater’
'If you think it's important as a country for sovereignty reasons to have the option of using your own home-grown services, then you can't drive them off shore with bad laws.'
Meet Denmark’s new anti-Islam, anti-immigration, anti-tax party – POLITICO
For more than two decades, the Danish People’s Party ran on an unapologetically anti-immigration, populist platform, pushing Danish politics to the right by rejecting multiculturalism and opposing the transfer of sovereignty to Brussels. Today, the DPP faces its own challenge from the right.
Μια βόλτα στη σκοτεινή πλευρά της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
Ένας Έλληνας που ζει στις Βρυξέλλες και οργανώνει ξεναγήσεις στην γειτονιά των ευρωπαϊκών λόμπι, μας εξηγεί τα βασικά για τη σχέση ΕΕ και οργανωμένων συμφερόντων.
If architects designed our life on Mars, it would look like this
Samer El Sayary, Mars City Design
The ten foot-tall oak has a crown of rugged branches. Its large lobed green leaves look healthy and the soil below is well-watered. The tree is planted inside a thick protective shell. Outside, it’s dark with temperatures falling -73 °C. Wind and cosmic rays cause small high-frequency vibrations, which are converted into electricity to help sustain the tree.
“This will be the first generation of trees to be planted on Martian soil,” says Samer El Sayary, an a...
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Πράξη για την Ελευθερία των MME: Να κρατήσουμε μικρό καλάθι;
H πολυφωνία και η ελευθερία των μέσων ενημέρωσης καλύπτεται από τις νομοθεσίες των κρατών-μελών της ΕΕ, όμως σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο δεν περιφρουρείται αποτελεσματικά.
Η ιαπωνική city pop έχει τα καλύτερα χιτς των eighties που δεν γνώρισες ποτέ
Μεταμεσονύχτια φώτα νέον, γκρίζοι ουρανοξύστες και μια αστική μελαγχολία να φτάνει στα ακουστικά από τη μακρινή Ιαπωνία των eighties. Η μουσική αυτού του μεταμοντέρνου, σχεδόν Bladerunner-ικου, αστικού τοπίου – η λεγόμενη city pop – σου βγάζει όμως μια αλλόκοτη οικειότητα… Δεν είναι τυχαίο. Αποτελεί προϊόν της τεράστιας πολιτισμικής επιρροής που άσκησε η Αμερική στην Ιαπωνία κατά τη διάρκεια των μεταπολεμικών χρόνων.